
Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

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Old 06-20-2018, 12:37 AM   #161
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by Woo3800
Tired of these bum *** madden producers catering to these “competitive” players. * It’s funny to Me because the players they cater to aren’t competitive at all. * *These lames abuse and exploit the game. * Year after *year EA leaves that fake *** nano blitz In the game , and for what?... *To cater to these lames. *EA needs to grow sone balls and make a real ****ing NFL football game for us real nfl fans.*
Lol! Don’t hold back! Tell us how you really feel!
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Old 06-20-2018, 01:11 AM   #162
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

I really enjoyed reading this thread, it is fiesty, reflective, altruistic, matter of fact, and ...

I will say this again. You can have all the cutting edge tech in the world, but if you don't have the talent, it don't mean anything.

Case in point the guys at ubisoft are praising naughty dog for using a tech they created "motion matching" that they introduced in "For Honor" eventhough they created the tech when they saw what naughty dog did in the E3 gameplay trailer they praised them on expanding the vision.

Last edited by Impetuous65; 06-20-2018 at 01:14 AM.
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Old 06-20-2018, 03:03 AM   #163
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by 23
What mechanics?

2K has

The Park - with a sandbox neighborhood
and a separate version tied to their E-League where players are getting salaries, free housing, benefits medical, dental, etc paid for by actual NBA teams

and you're going to tell me that its a flop because you read it on pastapadre.com?
Core gameplay mechanics, as in on the field in an online head-to-head setting.

Say what you will about offensive line play, online franchise's missing features, or whatever else, Madden 18 is an incredibly balanced online head-to-head game, the servers are reliable, lag is a non-issue, etc. In my experience, Tiburon has that part of the game down pat.

With respect to "flop", PastaPadre posted that the viewership numbers were already in the tubes. To the extent that we are talking about the reach of NBA 2K as an e-sport, who cares how good the modes are if no one is watching? I hope they turn it around, but they've certainly got work to do.

Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
Anyways, you not having 2k18 makes sense now in not understanding the difference in what 2 companies can do or are capable of.
I keep up with their games. I keep up with the video game industry at-large given that it's my professional experience, I know full well what they're up to.

You say nothing they have done has peaked your interest? What modes do you play and what would peak your interest in 2k? What do they NOT have that you do want and that would make you buy it? I will say you for sure missed out on the best playing CPU AI in a b-ball game ever IMO...
My primary mode of play in sports games is online franchise with my friends. Last I heard, MyLeague online doesn't even have a salary cap or offseason free agency. Moreover and more importantly, none of my friends play NBA 2K. To that end, 2K could literally put the sentient brains of Red Auerbach, Phil Jackson, Pat Riley, and Gregg Popovich on the disk and it doesn't fix the fact that I don't want to play a sports game by myself and I don't want to subject myself to a bare-bones online franchise mode.
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Old 06-20-2018, 03:14 AM   #164
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Core gameplay mechanics, as in on the field in an online head-to-head setting.

Say what you will about offensive line play, online franchise's missing features, or whatever else, Madden 18 is an incredibly balanced online head-to-head game, the servers are reliable, lag is a non-issue, etc. In my experience, Tiburon has that part of the game down pat.

With respect to "flop", PastaPadre posted that the viewership numbers were already in the tubes. To the extent that we are talking about the reach of NBA 2K as an e-sport, who cares how good the modes are if no one is watching? I hope they turn it around, but they've certainly got work to do.
Man you're actually in here talking about servers and not the game itself? SMH.. okay then Im not even sure how that matters when you pretty much dismissed the lack of actual things that matter to a well rounded game as some kind of minor quip....

Just as you talk about stability in head to head, it shows the lack of attention to any other part of their game. It always blows my mind that people are cool with EA working on one or two things a year while others are throwing the kitchen sink out there.

To the other point, You're going off of a pasta padre article for a league that is actually paying people, and just got started, and hasn't even completed a first season yet, and is still in the feel out stages as a flop?

It's kinda silly to tout "reach" and "turnaround" when it just started its first games literally a month ago.

I suggest you pay way more attention to what's going on because if that's where you're getting your information from you've missed almost the entire ordeal.

It seems like you talk about 2k off of what you heard instead of knowing it yourself, but then you make claims that you follow the industry because it's your job.

You're contradicting the crap out of yourself commenting on things you don't have a clue about.

Apparently, their numbers show A LOT of people care about how good their modes are because they're the ones who buy all of those preorders that smoke Madden in September NPD's sales and from that point forward stay ahead.

Last edited by 23; 06-20-2018 at 03:20 AM.
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Old 06-20-2018, 03:19 AM   #165
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by 23
Man you're actually in here talking about servers and not the game itself?
I'm pretty sure I said "Madden 18 is an incredibly [well-]balanced online head-to-head game" as part of my opinion.
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Old 06-20-2018, 03:30 AM   #166
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I'm pretty sure I said "Madden 18 is an incredibly [well-]balanced online head-to-head game" as part of my opinion.
You also said gameplay and franchise features aside as if it didn't matter.

It's insane that you just dismiss that stuff and go on posting poor facts about a game you know little to nothing about at the same time.

Like I said, 2k is a fully developed game with time put in for modes for everyone. That's why the game has grown so huge and why they maintain that audience without needing an exclusive. It's a consistently great all-around game.

Watch a few e league games and they have a head to head build that works just as well as you claim madden does.

I'm not even sure what the point was because this is not helping grow, which is why they keep making claims of going after younger casuals.

A good head to head is markedly stiffed by below standard AI which is a shame.
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Old 06-20-2018, 08:29 AM   #167
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
So out of all that you choose to cherry pick the part about past Maddens and misquote it too because I said better game play aspects, smh but ok.

I'm not going to bother listing exactly what Madden year this stuff was in, feel free to do your own Google-fu but this is all game play stuff from PS2 era Maddens. Route based passing, AI based option routes, more fluid running animations, 1st/2nd/3rd string subs, complete formation subs and defensive assignments. Those game play elements off the top of my head, from a gamer that preferred other football games like Joe Montana Sports Talk, 2k football, over past Maddens, not to mention an appreciation for elements in games like Tecmo Football, NFL GameDay and NFL Fever.

EDIT: Dynamic weather and weather impacting game play.
You've got to be kidding me with the Joe Montana Sports Talk being a good game. You could literally take every hand off in the opposite direction of the play design and score a TD every time because the entire defense would flow to the ball.
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Old 06-20-2018, 10:18 AM   #168
Junior Moe's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

NBA 2k18 was the 2nd best selling game of 2017


The game clearly has mass appeal. An NBA game that came out in September at number 2! Not only does it have mass appeal (casuals), but it is also deep enough to satisfy hardcore "sim" heads as well as franchise types like myself and any and everything in between. My Park and Pro Am and My Team are the most popular modes, as is the industry standard, still there's something for everyone. I firmly believe that's why an NBA is doing unprecedented numbers.

I hate how people talk like these things are mutually exclusive. They are not, you can do both and still be a commercial smash. I'm not stupid enough to believe that having a sandbox MyLeague is the reason. But it doesn't hurt. Neither does having a story driven MyGM. It doesn't hurt, though. Having Czar and Scot OG designing the offense and defense, respectively isn't the reason. It doesn't hurt though. Then having Sam Pham "exploit" on aspect or the other and having them catch up. It only adds to the end product at the end of the day.

Madden is 4th, so its not struggling. Their model is successful as well. That's why I see very little reason for them to change things up. You can see from 2Ks basketball comp that the companies are just different philosophically. They tout "engines" and tech like infinity and ignite ( and living worlds), I remember "bounce-tek" for one of the Lives, and now Frostbite. It's not innovative. Madden is a good enough game even without innovating much yearly to stand on its own. NFL is king. The other game can't, so it died and is still struggling because of the snails pace they innovate.
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