
>>> cabrillo24's NBA Live 2010 Gameplay Sliders <<<

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Old 10-12-2009, 08:13 PM   #89
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Re: >>> cabrillo24's NBA Live 2010 Gameplay Sliders <<<

My only problem is lowering the all the player ratings. I feel like that kind of flies in the face of the work they did with developing those ratings at EA and makes the game somewhat less realistic. Is it really mandatory? What does it do exactly?

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Old 10-12-2009, 08:28 PM   #90
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Re: >>> cabrillo24's NBA Live 2010 Gameplay Sliders <<<

Originally Posted by Dean3790
My only problem is lowering the all the player ratings. I feel like that kind of flies in the face of the work they did with developing those ratings at EA and makes the game somewhat less realistic. Is it really mandatory? What does it do exactly?
I wouldnt say its absolutely necessary, but it helps. it just slows the game down some and gets rid of a bit of the jerkiness in the animations. I even saw one of the developers say that they may implement it into their roster updates. I think that alone says alot. Players will still play like they are supposed to though, if thats what your worried about.

Also Cabrillo are you still seeing alot of the silly steals/steal attempts with your sliders? that is the one thing that keeps me from truly enjoying this game.

Last edited by GOBLUE_08; 10-12-2009 at 08:31 PM.
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Old 10-12-2009, 08:33 PM   #91
Re: >>> cabrillo24's NBA Live 2010 Gameplay Sliders <<<

Originally Posted by Dean3790
My only problem is lowering the all the player ratings. I feel like that kind of flies in the face of the work they did with developing those ratings at EA and makes the game somewhat less realistic. Is it really mandatory? What does it do exactly?
I understand your concern.

Lowering of the ratings is because they are too high to begin with.

Agility is how fast you perform moves, lateral movement, and transition into into dunks). Lowering this makes them move in a more fluid motion, more grounded motion (less ice skating feeling)

Vertical, self explanatory, players jump a little too high out the box (this has been an issue for years).

Standing dunk (only big men should be able to pull this off and some high fliers) but when I saw Leonardo Barbosa and Ron Artest pull off a standing dunk, I knew this had to be modified.

Believe me, the game plays smoother with those global edits changed. The developers did many good things with the game, we aren't taking anything away from them, rather we are enhancing with sliders an enhanced experience. The Live team many times follow these forums and implement them into their plans and patches, thats why its important for the community to get involved.
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Old 10-12-2009, 10:05 PM   #92
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Re: >>> cabrillo24's NBA Live 2010 Gameplay Sliders <<<

Originally Posted by AWS88
These sliders improved the game slightly, but its still infuriating. CPU is still shooting over 50%. Really, the CPU can just do whatever they want to do. If they're open, they never miss, period. If the shot is contested, they still make it the majority of the time. When they drive to the basket, its basically a guaranteed layup/dunk, or a foul. I just really can't stop them when im on D.

CPU defense is still ridiculous. I lowered the CPU steal and Interception sliders waaaay down from what you have them at, and I still can't make a simple entry pass down low. Getting an offensive rebound is basically pointless, as it usually ends up getting stolen before I have a chance to pass it back out.

Human FG% is great with these sliders. Thats actually what kept me from qutting on the game earlier lol

Who knows, maybe i'm just terrible at this game. Overall, these sliders are the best out there, its just that there is too much wrong with the game to be fixed.
No disrespect but..... your d must suck. I don't give anywhere near 50 per cent shooting. Keep practicing and you'll master it. These sliders are very close to being dead on! Thanks C!
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Old 10-12-2009, 10:42 PM   #93
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Re: >>> cabrillo24's NBA Live 2010 Gameplay Sliders <<<

Do these sliders work well if you don't change all the ratings? If not, what changes need to be made to the sliders?
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Old 10-13-2009, 12:10 AM   #94
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Re: >>> cabrillo24's NBA Live 2010 Gameplay Sliders <<<

Wow, I just had my first good, enjoyable game with these, but I put it on Pro (cause Im still getting used to Live) and 10 minutes. My shooting percentage was a little high, but I had fun.

Cavs (Me)/Suns
Points: 107/103
FG %: 56.4/39.8
Shots: 44-78/37-93
3-PT %: 46.7/43.6
FT %: 85.7/81.5
FTs: 12-14/22-27
REB: 48/35
Assists: 24/17
Blocks: 4/1
Steals: 4/18 (I'm still getting used to being more careful passing on Live)
OREB: 4/7
DREB: 44/28
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Old 10-13-2009, 12:54 AM   #95
catcherforbaseball's Arena
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Re: >>> cabrillo24's NBA Live 2010 Gameplay Sliders <<<

Ok, these sliders are pretty cool thus far. And by these, I mean your newest ones 10/12/09. Just two things:

1. Alley Oops occur a little too much so I put them down more by -10.

2. I rarely make threes, but I wasn't sure if it was because I was playing with the grizzlies or not? I mean shouldn't Iverson make a wide open three pointer? Maybe not, who knows. Other than that, I have no complaints.

Thanks Man!
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Old 10-13-2009, 05:47 AM   #96
Re: >>> cabrillo24's NBA Live 2010 Gameplay Sliders <<<

Originally Posted by catcherforbaseball
Ok, these sliders are pretty cool thus far. And by these, I mean your newest ones 10/12/09. Just two things:

1. Alley Oops occur a little too much so I put them down more by -10.

2. I rarely make threes, but I wasn't sure if it was because I was playing with the grizzlies or not? I mean shouldn't Iverson make a wide open three pointer? Maybe not, who knows. Other than that, I have no complaints.

Thanks Man!
Thanks, I'll lower the alley oop tendencies. This is something the Live team needs to work on for future iterations. Some of the off ball movement looks great, but some players need to be looking for the alley oop more. Appreciate the feedback.
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